Mass Times

All of us have been baptized into one and the same Spirit; let us live, then, by the Spirit!  That same Spirit, the Advocate, who “renews the face of the earth”, was given as gift to the disciples to strengthen them to go forth in the name of the Lord, and to obtain forgiveness of sins.

Let us use this week to spend time with the Holy Spirit and allow our lives to be renewed in infinite love and mercy.

Parish Bulletin

Catholic Adult Summer School

Maximum Number of Participants:  15

June 2 to July 14

11:00am in Church Parlor

Join Msgr. Dean for Catholic Adult Summer School every Sunday at 11:00am (after the 10:00am Mass)

Required Reading:          Dr. Peter Kreeft, Catholic Christianity

This book is available through Amazon for $19.96: Catholic Christianity: A Complete Catechism of Catholic Church Beliefs Based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church Paperback – March 1, 2001

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